Sunday, June 18, 2006

yeah right

we lated a full three days. it wasn't too bad...aside from the excrutiating bowel pain.
have you ever seen the movie gremlins? it kinda felt like one of the ones who ate after midnight was trying to tear itself out of my ass.
my advice, definitely give this purge/fast a try. contact me for the recipe.

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

a fast ten days

no solid food for at least ten days.
sounds fun, right?
this is day one. so far i'm not having many food cravings, though i have a vague sense that this will soon change. right now i think i'm compensating with cigarettes, and water.
i suppose i should mention that the fast involves a concotion of lime juice and maple syrup mixed with large quantities of water. it kinda tastes like gatorade.
but now, its midnight. this is usually when i have a light, after-dinner, dinner. i'm a disgusting, gluttonous pig. not really, i'm just really good at late night snacking.
anyway, this should be interesting.