Wednesday, December 21, 2005

holiday greetings

blog blog blog, bliggity bliggity bliggity blog blog, bliggy blog bliggy blog bliggy blog blog blog.
so, i'm working, which is the only time i get to blog because i'm too po' fo' the internet. i'm uhhh, i'm getting pretty sick of working again, but i like the people i work with, so that is at least fun. well...most of the people i work with, the other day i got to ride in on my stallion, armor shining like crazy and approach a guy that grabbed the ass of my cubicle neighbor. it was fun walking up to him and telling him that i watched him do it and to not do it again. nothing else needed to be said. it didn't matter what the consequences were going to be, i could've threatened to pound on him, i could've threatened to tell a supervisor...hell, i could've threatened to grab his ass and take a shit on his car and the look that he gave me i confronted him would have still been the same. and you know why, because he's an asshole. he's an asshole that did something he knew was wrong, but he did it because he thought he could get away with it.
i'm gonna go ahead and officially resign from my sex. there are far too many men who think that they can do whatever they want because they have 3 inches of extra flesh between their legs (usually three inches, possibly less. assholism is indirectly proportional to penile smallitude). the only thing i like about guys like this is that they are quite possibly the only viable outlet for all the rage that i bottle up so as to not be like them.
so there you have it, i am no longer a man. i mean, lets be serious here for a second. I'm pretty sure there are a few of you out there who were possibly already questioning my specific classification. my androgyny has always been one of my more endearing traits i think. it made men dislike me and women want to be my friend. awesome!!! i'm glad someone finally saw through all the bullshit and realized that when it really comes down to it, i'm all man...if you know what i mean.
yeah, that's right, i have balls.
maybe i'm just on this kick because suzanne and i finally joined netflix because we were sick of blockbuster's limited selection, and as a direct result we were able to rent orlando with tilda swinton. her hotness is uncompromising, her androgyny is far superior to my own, but the full frontal that we got from orlando revealed that androgyny has its consequences. i think i like talking about androgyny just because of how cool the word looks spelled out. i looked it up, its really spelled that way.
so, to change the subject randomly, drastically and without segue (also the correct spelling), hawaii was freaking cool. it was a fantastic present for suz's parents to give to everyone. i can't wait to go back. i wouldn't mind teaching there once i'm all Ph.D-ed and shit. i'm sure the university of hawaii needs some beefing up in its philosophy department. but here's the thing about hawaii...its not that different from san diego. i know, i know, i'm sick, my mind is polluted, and i'm spoiled by the temperate southern california weather, but don't get me wrong. i'm not saying hawaii wasn't beautiful, because there were definitely some noteworthy differences, one of which was that i didn't have to take sinus medication the entire time i was there. always a plus in my book. also, hawaii is located approximately in the middle of the fucking ocean, so there's another point in its favor. the people all seemed to be relatively friendly, but you could tell that they felt as though tourism was moving in on their territory. i can totally understand that because as i looked around at the rest of the tourists i wanted them to leave too. the island was essentially an unspoiled plot of land that was minimally populated and extraordinarily fantastic. there was a brief moment when i felt jealous of the people that lived there, but that passed as soon as i got it in my head that i would one day live there too. sorry family, sorry friends, but if you want to see me you're gonna have to eventually come to hawaii.
i took a ton of pictures, most of which came out terribly, which i feel fully comfortable blaming on my overpriced piece of shit digital camera, but the few that came out i think are pretty fantastic. there's this one, when we're in the middle of this jungle, right off of the wailua river and we walked into this clearing, which can only be considered a clearing in that it didn't have a canopy, but was otherwise covered with greenery...yeah, that picture was pretty good, but pretty much everything else was either too dark or too bright. and there were a couple pictures in there that i thought focused entirely too much on my rather curvy butt, but at least that was motivation for me to get off it and maybe start working out or something.
so, the holidays are coming up in like...3 days. here's the problem with going to hawaii 2 weeks before christmas. when you come back, you don't have a paycheck waiting, and you won't get a paycheck for 2 weeks so whatever tiny reserves you managed to squirrel away will quickly be depleated as the end of the year spend-athon moves into full swing. i took a look at my bank account today, and with the cell phone bill, gas, food and other things of varying legality i manged to spend about $600 in the past 2 weeks. it feels good that i actually had that much money, but it feels bad that i had that much money.
know what's funny, i remember the first time in my life i managed to save up $100. it was such a monumental achievement, i felt like i was the richest kid in the world and now i'm blowing through six times that much green in 2 weeks. i hate money. it makes me feel dirty. i never carry any around with me, which is probably part of why i spend it so readily...its never in my hands, its always just a number on a screen after i swipe my debit card. i'm gonna start giving myself an allowance. two more paychecks before rent is due so i should be fine there. i don't think there are any more bills coming in, so i'm cool as a cucumber. but still, i really hate money.
has anyone actually tried to contest a late fee? i guess the thought never really occurred to me because, you know, if i sent it in late, it seems fair to me that i'd get charged a late fee. we're talking about basic rules of being in someone's debt. interest, service fees, finance charges, late fees, they all amount to the same don't have the money yet, so we're gonna make money off the fact that you want to spend money right now. as soon as you sign up for a credit card, you agree to that basic rule. i'm so sick of people calling me and asking me to waive the late fee even though the payment was received 2 weeks after it was due. i find myself thinking, "you didn't even send this payment into us until a week after it was due...why should you get this credited back to you." the simple answer is, because they were bold enough to call in and ask for it. and that's what gets me, its usually the people who are the biggest fuckups, the ones who are absolutely in the wrong, the ones that don't deserve a break at all...these are the people who are reaping the benefits because they have their heads so far up their asses that they can't even fathom why they would be faulted in the first place.
x-tina (if you read this far), you can believe in humanity all you want, but as a philosopher and an observer, i'm going to have to contend that when it really comes down to it, we're all doomed, largely because "humanity" is a population divided between good and bad, and the bad largely outnumbers the good. i'm content to be a good person, because ultimately that's what i'd rather be, but i'm not going to sing the praises of the rest of society...they can all go lick my puckered asshole.
have you ever noticed that my blogs are usually like these gigantic explosions of verbosity. its like i sit down and i can't stop my fingers from type type typing away. i wish it passed the time faster. i still have an hour left of work because i'm covering for the 11-8 guy. i hate this shift. i love it because i get to sit here and blog, but i hate it because i have to sit here.
i love itallics.
i'm gonna read something now.
later peeps


Blogger GreenLibrarian said...

I learned a new word my last week of grad school: ultrasexual. I think you win that title. Look it up...kinda like metro, except you can tell they're straight. Anyway - great to hear you're both back safe. There's a great quote from the Prophecy series that describes my feeling about leaving Hawaii:

"You know what hell really is [Pepe]? It's not lakes or burning oil or chains of ice. It's being removed from [Hawaii]..."

Ok, I took some liberties, but you get the basic picture. Peace.

7:45 PM  
Blogger christina said...

Hey! I read far!

No, I'd agree with you. I probably should have qualified my statement to read "most of humanity" or "some humanity" but that sounded sort of weird. I don't know, you can probably surmise that I am not fond of all humanity, particularly because at present time I am not speaking to my mother (yes, on Christmas Eve Eve, what a responsible and mature daughter I am) and I went out in Buffalo today and tried to buy hummus and pretty much ending up hating everyone on the road. I suppose then that I should have said that I believe in the rare outstanding instances of humanity that I have chosen to associate with, ie, my friends, and some that sort of chose me, ie, my family and every once in a while I'm moved by a story or a stranger, and that experience reminds me that I am a) lazy and should do more and b) part of something that has little pockets of excellence hidden within it. It's just enough to make me not despair, and maybe that's all I can ask for. And I'm with you, most of the people around me can lick your asshole, particularly the ass-grabber from paragraph one... what a dick.

Here's to you and yours, and may the two of you enjoy each other this season (uh, I'm going to leave the definition of 'enjoy' up to you two to determine) and to the small sector of humanity that I believe in.

Man, did this even make sense?

5:45 PM  

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