Monday, July 31, 2006

holy shit, we got it

i don't know how we did it, but somehow, rob and suz managed to come to new york city, with one apartment in mind and actually get that apartment.
we only looked at 2 places. the first place, we weren't even really interested in, we were just there because it was being rented by the same dude who was renting the one we wanted. we went to the one we weren't interested in first because he was showing it first. after a group of people clamored around him to express their interest in this apartment, we casually sauntered up to him and told him we were more interested in the other space he had for rent. we then began a casual discussion of philosophy, because our new landlord was actually a philosophy major in undergrad at berkeley over 20 years ago. over 20 years ago, when michel foucault was alive, he was teaching at berkeley, and he checked out our least according to our landlord. but how cool is that. as he described it, he was "cruised" by michel. his impression of him was immaculate. just the right amount of head movement, a quick glance up and down followed immediately by a dramatic eye-roll at the end to perfectly punctuate the entire event.
starting in 2 weeks, suzanne and i will be official residents of a bustling neighborhood in bushwick.
this is going to be awesome.
did i mention the fact that the subway becomes an el-train (elevated train) through our neighborhood, and that the train actually passes by our apartment several times a day. now, when i say "passes by our apartment," i mean that quite literally. its like, right outside our window. if we were one floor up we would actually be able to see the passengers on the train. as it is now all we can see is the underside of the train, but we get a pretty good view. we love it. its so...funky.
that is all for now. i'll be back soon.


Blogger GreenLibrarian said...


4:00 PM  
Blogger kiss my shades said...

i'm so excited, once again, for you guys.
seems absolutely charming, except: wouldnt all the racket coming from the "funky" view outside your window eventually get annoying? lol

anyways, cant wait to grace your place with my presence :P

11:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

congratulations on the new place! you'll have to post pics when you move in. have you been able to check out your neighbourhood at all yet? what's around?

I'm seriously excited for you guys, this is really great.

1:57 AM  
Blogger christina said...

Awesome, kids. Enjoy the whole moving-in adventure, and hopefully we can all benefit from your unfettered internet access...

(uh, I'm too lazy to look up whether I'm using 'unfettered' properly. I hope it means 'super-available'. If not, uh.)

1:13 AM  

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