Wednesday, July 19, 2006

no sleep till brooklyn: what day is it?

its tuesday. we are in durango, which i keep confusing in my head with pueblo.
the mileage, we're at 1815 now. we didn't really drive that much today, but it took forever. we got a late start so we got in late. also, we got in late because utah is a stupid state. the road we took is only two one in each direction and a very tiny shoulder. this means that when they do construction there's only one lane. periodically today, we would have to stop, on the highway, and wait for traffic to come from the opposing direction. they would allow 20 ro 30 cars pile up and then let them go, meanwhile another 30 are piling up in the other direction. this takes a while, and they block of long sections of road.
this, i consider very, very stupid. then they decided that it would be a fantastic idea to just change the speed limit to 40 miles per hour...forever. not really forever, but it felt like forever. i really didn't like utah...until we got to arches national park. i guess at some point all of that park was under water and when it dried up there was a lot of salt, rock and dirt that that order. salt, under that much pressure, goes nuts, and shifts, causing all those crazy rifts. then after a few hundred million years, you get arches, and a lot of giant rock formations that look like giant penises. all of this is orange and red with shrubs that range in shades of green from sage/mint, pine and like...watermelon. basically its like you're on mars. its also like 400,000 degrees out, so that helps add to the mars charm. we hiked for like maybe 300 yards, up an incline so we could see "delicate arch" from really far away. we didn't realize how it was goign to be totally not worth it until we felt like we were going to die when we reached the "viewing area." we kept the walking to a minimum after that, but who goes to a national park to walk anyway?
so, that part of utah was cool. but then we had to drive through colorado to get to durango. also took forever. and the best part is, we get to drive for like 13 hours tomorrow. its gonna be pretty lame. we decided today that the next time we do this, we aren't going to drive more than 600 miles in one day. its getting pretty dumb.


Blogger kiss my shades said...

where?! lol j/k :P
yep... sounds like you guys had a bitch of a day. i would have smashed my eyeballs out into the windshield against my steeringwheel had i been the one stuck in traffic in a foreign state. aaaaaaaaaaaaak! i hate traffic so much. kudos for sitting through that alive. ;) two thumbs waaaaaaaaay up!
i think thats all i have to say today.. well, i have more, but that will go in MY blog.

i leave you with the fact: annette w. is now part of arco!! jose never came back lol

the end.

9:29 AM  
Blogger christina said...

Ah! Bevin and I TOTALLY hiked that same trail, at almost exactly today three years ago... we too got to the top and were like, "What? Viewing area? THIS IS HOW CLOSE WE ARE GOING TO GET?" and then I was like, We are done. Let's go back to camp and eat some beans. So yes. I feel your pain. And isn't that trippy drive straight up TO Arches weird? I kept waiting for one of the many enormous RVs hairpinning it down to swerve into our lane and knock us back down to the Vistor's Center and then we would be dead. In Utah, no less.

So glad you're blogging your adventures.

5:27 PM  

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