Friday, July 21, 2006

no sleep till brooklyn: the days blur

we finished out yesterday at something like 2561 miles. we drove a lot. we didn't get into wichita until like 2 in the morning. i can't remember if that was wichita time or what. basically we are drained. we didn't do anything all day yesterday except drive, so there isn't much to report.
we drove past the tyson chicken processing plant...and that was pretty much the most exciting part of the drive. by exciting i mean really, really smelly. in fact, a lot of kansas was like that. barren, desolate, and smelly. it was interesting.
before kansas, there was colorado. filled with mountainous majestic beauty, but unfortunately, the beauty is the result of those big ol' mountains that are there, and those big ol' mountains also mean roads that aren't major highways, especially if you are rob and suz...we don't really like the major routes. so, what happened was we spent a lot of time stopped on the road, waiting for traffic from the other direction again. it took us 2 hours to get less than 50 miles. that was awesome.
back to kansas. it was dark out when we were going through kansas, so when we were driving, we could see lights out in the distance. we came up with a game called, processing plant, penitentiary or city. you'd be surprised how difficult this game can actually be. give it a try sometime, you can amuse yourself for hours, which is fortunate because if you're driving through kansas, you have hours to kill.
so we decided that we were going to spend an extra night here, just so we could relax a bit. we did essentially nothing, primarily becuase it was fucking 112 degrees out. it was really fun giving suz a brush-up course in driving stick in 112 degree heat. she picked it up pretty quick, so maybe she'll be doing some driving tomorrow. tomorrow we're driving to nashville. we'll be driving for about 11 1/2 hours...grand.
goodnight folks.


Blogger GreenLibrarian said...

Only 1300 miles til Sticky Lips!

9:17 AM  
Blogger kiss my shades said...

wichita!! yess! i got a message from there.:)
hope ya'll are have fun, or mainly suz, because shes the one with the whiplass while you boogie on through every state. haha! sucka! ;)

on to some NASHVILLE PUSSY!!! :P

12:45 PM  
Blogger christina said...

Ha! I have to tell you guys that this past break the B and I totally drove into the town that the Tyson plant exists in - *Emporia, am I right?* - to find a motel, only to be so grossed out by the scent and sound of dying chickens that we had to get back on I70 and drive 20 miles south to El Dorado in order to find a motel not near a processing plant.

This concludes my comments in which I tell you all about the places you've been and my experiences with them.

12:53 PM  

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