Monday, September 25, 2006


i got my computer today. it's rad. it has a camera built into it, so you'll probably be seeing a lot more pictures of me in front of my computer. i've had the computer for 4 hours now and in that time i've managed to successfully make it look and operate exactly like the other apple laptop that i just donated to the suzanne l. bestler education foundation. now, as she is sitting in front of her computer reading about freud's theories regarding the interpretation of dreams, i'm sitting in front of my computer telling you all about what she's doing.
you know how this is happening? there are two important factors. one: we both have computers now. two: i successfully got a wireless router hooked up in our apartment. my brother had an extra one that he donated to us, but it didn't work, so i had to shell out some cash to actually get a new one. i'm taking advantage of the early stages of student loan know, the beginning of the semester when you have all that money and you don't know what to do with it. now is the time for me to rationalize such important purchases like wireless routers and computers with cameras built into the screen.
i'm looking forward to the end of the semester when i have no money left and i'm starving and exhausted because i haven't slept in 2 weeks because i have three, twenty page papers due. that'll be good times.
anyway...i've screwed around enough today. i really should get to some reading.
incidentally, i did some redecorating on the ol' bloggy blog. the color scheme is supposed to elude a feeling of urban-pavement-sprawl. there were parts where i couldn't really figure out how to change the color, and that's ok, because i'm a philosophy student. the main thing is i got your dark gray for the road, a little yellow for the dotted lines, some white section breaks in the sidebar (also to mimic road borderiness), and this brings us to the green.
you say to yourself, "rob, the green really takes away from the whole effect." to which i reply, "bugger off you silly twit, i do what i want."
actually, the green was something i couldn't figure out how to change, and then when i figured out how to change it to what i wanted, i realized it looked better the other way. and since it looked better i decided that it was right along. and it was, because the elevated train that lives outside our building is elevated by huge steel girders that are painted a very similar color of green.
so here i brooklyn.


Blogger christina said...

Keep the green, keep the iPod "nanuk," and Steenocity made me laugh right over the Sly and the Family Stone's "Everybody is a Star" playing on the radio.

8:22 PM  
Blogger R. Peeps said...

glad it made you laugh rather than mad. i know there were some issues earlier as to whether or not you wanted links to your blog on other blogs. i took a general poll (i looked at bevin's blog) and realized that dead bitches existed outside of steenocity and decided to go for it. i got sick of having to type out your blog address whenever i wanted to check it. having a link on my own blog made it much more convenient for me. i'm such a lazy utilitarian...
LYYYYVEN MAYVEN, utilitarianIIIISM! (gotta love professor frink...he makes you laugh, he makes you think)
i love being a philosophy nerd.

9:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't forget your categorical imperative to call a certain someone every once in a while, like on his birthday! BTW, have you spoken to one Lawrence?

1:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Digging the new theme. Congrats on the two-computer thing, I don't know how the Boy and I ever shared before I got my laptop.

Does steenocity rhyme with velocity, or Beano City?

8:06 AM  
Blogger R. Peeps said...

rhymes with velocity
smells like beano city
i don't know what that means

10:48 PM  
Blogger christina said...

I think both, depending on your mood. Like I could say, Okay, I'm off to the store to purchase eggs with MASSIVE STEENOCITY!

Alternately, I could say, Welcome to Steenocity. Population: you. And me.

psst to Rob: linking and I totally made up, we're friends again.

12:42 PM  
Blogger kiss my shades said...

well. sounds like loads of flyin' buckets of fun.
plus, i looked at yer pichures, and stole a few to include in my collection of peeps ... and i do mean people, not your last name. :) lol
i will now go back to tending to the wounds left on my stomach by annette and her damned cat.
thank you.


i lost yer number in my exploded old phone.
you'll have to txt me.

10:48 PM  
Blogger GreenLibrarian said...

I like the green...


8:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Work gave me a laptop. So the Powerbook I had previously now, for all intents and purposes, belongs to the girl. I, too, bought mine with school money. But it was free grant money I didn't have to pay back.

The first month I had my new job I spilled a Screwdriver on my work laptop and was drunk enough to whip out a butter knife and start popping keys off the keyboard to mop up the OJ. Now it's missing left shift and tilda. I missed left shift until I adapted. Tilda? Never missed her at all.


And, anyway, when I push hard on the nipple she left behind I can still make her work.

4:50 PM  

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