Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Falafel ain't easy

while falafel is fantastic, and even maybe a little bit funny, it gives me gas, which does contribute to the funniness, but i'd still rather be the oscillator than the falfel maker. maybe i could be a mad professor with crazy hair and glasses and a tweed jacket with elbow patches, and two different shoes on and've gotta protect your fingers.
this is what i do to avoid starting my day. its 8:13 here, which means i've only got 497 minutes left before my day is over. ahh the nice comfort of only 497 minutes remaining. makes me all tingly inside.
well...there's literally an entire drawer full of financial statements that are just waiting for me to alphabetize them, so i should get going.
but on the other hand, i could just keep about how depressing it was this morning (and most mornings) when i realized that i no longer had time to keep pressing the snooze button, and rather, that I had to get out of bed at that very minute. rush rush rush...get up, get ready and get on the road so you can rush rush rush...and then stop...because you're in gridlock traffic.
whatever, i'm not gonna bitch about this anymore, i'm just gonna find another job somehow, soon.


Blogger R. Peeps said...

at least i have cool socks on today. i have one silver stripey one and one "hues of orange" striped one. beautiful, just beautiful. i still don't want to work, but having nice socks makes my day a bit better.

11:58 AM  
Blogger R. Peeps said...

you know what's even funnier than you telling your parents all about what kind of underwear that i telling everyone we freaking know what kind of underwear i wear. if i was having even a slightly less assfuck of a day i would care a little bit, but right now i'm in such a haze of frustration, rage and depression that i don't even care if everyone knows about my unmentionables. GAWD DAMMIT EVERYTHING!
but seriously, the alligator ones.

1:25 PM  

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