a brand new post, with a brief visit from the old post
well...i got 12 comments on the last post...counting my own comments, but overall i think it was met with rave reviews.
but, i figured it was about time to get a new post up here to instigate new commentage.
dave has made his presence known and presented us with a new blog hosting opportunity with the command, "you're going to like us." i think that's brilliant in its creepiness.
traubie stopped by for a second or two but seems to have disappeared ever since i dreamed he got ate by an alligator. that may have been the night after i spent a bunch of time looking for the steve irwin stingray video to no avail, but either way it was a little creepy. especially since he hasn't responded to the comment i left on his blog, but i'm sure he's doing ok.
and wow, from outta left field andro shows up, but he doesn't have a blog for me to comment on...just a lame-o myspace crap-field that i can't comment on unless i'm one of his e-friends. i'm one of your real life friends, dick, i should automatically be allowed to post on your space.
ok, so now that i've effectively rehashed the previous post, let me move on to what's new. uhh...i've been reading a lot still. that's cool. i'm actually sorta keeping up with my assigned reading and starting to solidify paper topics, so that's good. friends are coming around slowly but surely and we even had a buddy of ours over to dinner tonight. we made falafel, and spanikopita with all the trimmings. it was rad. we killed two bottles of wine and had a rockin time talking about all sorts of crazy philosophical issues, but mostly just about crap.
so, last friday was friday the 13th and it was certainly a weird day. i totally meant to blog about it that day, but i didn't get around to it until now. basically the weirdest part of the day was when we were walking into our apartment and ran into a guy who runs a business from the first floor of our apartment building. not only is he doing fashion design down there, he also has set up some gallery space where i guess he has had some pretty serious art shows. he was dropping names all over the place, but the most memorable was the fact that i guess he's somehow getting martha stewart out to bushwick. i'm not completely convinced that this guy isn't full of shit, but i'd kill to see martha strutting her stuff down myrtle ave.
other life-affirming events were finding a cool little liquor store on university ave in manhattan where suz and i got a big ol' magnum of yellowtail shiraz and killed it over the next two nights. also suz got a lovely compliment from a random woman on the subway while we were coming home. nobody complimented me though, so i cried myself to sleep that night. its ok. i got a compliment from a random dude on the street who was walking past one of the new school's buildings. he was telling his kid about how he went there like 10 or 15 years ago and we started talking for a sec and then he asked me if i taught here. that made me feel pretty cool, but that wasn't on friday the 13th so it is only significant in that it bolstered my ego.
anyway, its cool to be making contact with people, both old and new. life is good and i'm feeling the love from philosophy. all is well in peep-ville.
but, i figured it was about time to get a new post up here to instigate new commentage.
dave has made his presence known and presented us with a new blog hosting opportunity with the command, "you're going to like us." i think that's brilliant in its creepiness.
traubie stopped by for a second or two but seems to have disappeared ever since i dreamed he got ate by an alligator. that may have been the night after i spent a bunch of time looking for the steve irwin stingray video to no avail, but either way it was a little creepy. especially since he hasn't responded to the comment i left on his blog, but i'm sure he's doing ok.
and wow, from outta left field andro shows up, but he doesn't have a blog for me to comment on...just a lame-o myspace crap-field that i can't comment on unless i'm one of his e-friends. i'm one of your real life friends, dick, i should automatically be allowed to post on your space.
ok, so now that i've effectively rehashed the previous post, let me move on to what's new. uhh...i've been reading a lot still. that's cool. i'm actually sorta keeping up with my assigned reading and starting to solidify paper topics, so that's good. friends are coming around slowly but surely and we even had a buddy of ours over to dinner tonight. we made falafel, and spanikopita with all the trimmings. it was rad. we killed two bottles of wine and had a rockin time talking about all sorts of crazy philosophical issues, but mostly just about crap.
so, last friday was friday the 13th and it was certainly a weird day. i totally meant to blog about it that day, but i didn't get around to it until now. basically the weirdest part of the day was when we were walking into our apartment and ran into a guy who runs a business from the first floor of our apartment building. not only is he doing fashion design down there, he also has set up some gallery space where i guess he has had some pretty serious art shows. he was dropping names all over the place, but the most memorable was the fact that i guess he's somehow getting martha stewart out to bushwick. i'm not completely convinced that this guy isn't full of shit, but i'd kill to see martha strutting her stuff down myrtle ave.
other life-affirming events were finding a cool little liquor store on university ave in manhattan where suz and i got a big ol' magnum of yellowtail shiraz and killed it over the next two nights. also suz got a lovely compliment from a random woman on the subway while we were coming home. nobody complimented me though, so i cried myself to sleep that night. its ok. i got a compliment from a random dude on the street who was walking past one of the new school's buildings. he was telling his kid about how he went there like 10 or 15 years ago and we started talking for a sec and then he asked me if i taught here. that made me feel pretty cool, but that wasn't on friday the 13th so it is only significant in that it bolstered my ego.
anyway, its cool to be making contact with people, both old and new. life is good and i'm feeling the love from philosophy. all is well in peep-ville.
I regret to inform you that I have been eaten by an alligator. Also, I thought I left a comment but must have been interrupted and closed out the window. Well, the creature's stomach acid is starting to drip into my eyes and I can't see very well. I best get going.
Peace, love and thai food!
I feel like I might need to explain myself.
First, the blogs are private for a reason. When one blogs about the lighter side of the cops and criminals beat, one starts to worry that some unsuspecting victim or attorney wandering the Interweb will stumble accross one's page and fire off a bereaved e-mail lamenting your callousness or file a frivilous but expensive defamation lawsuit.
Further, I never intended my myspacing to go as far as it did. I started with a profile filled with lies and half-truths to amuse and impress my friends.
Then I started posting blogs.
And now, I'm ashamed to admit, I find myself enraged each time someone I'VE NEVER ACTUALLY MET jumps over the gunwales of the myspace ship to build eponymous sites they created for their blogs.
With the 11-year-olds that populate the myspace constantly reducing my own reputation with their reflected sophomorishness, I may soon find a better outlet.
But my profile will likely remain as it was on myspace that I met my beloved. I find it ironic that sentimentality, a condition I've tried at all costs in my adult life to avoid, will probably lead me to allow a picture of myself with a Fu-Manchu moustace riding a tiny 4-wheeler to remain, in perpetuity, somewhere in cyberspace.
Also, if this were the myspace I would give you two kudos (fuck! I'm using 'space vocabulary? Kill me now...) for your blog's ability to stick a Scorpions song in my head each time I visit. (HINENI!)
I can't stand class action attorneys. They should all be dragged into the street and shot. They sue Verizon and get to keep millions of dollars. What do I get as the victim? I get $3 off of service for a month for 21 months, but this is delayed 7 months. Basically I can get $63 if I sign up for two more years of Verizon. Co-incidentally I could get a $100 phone if I signed up off of the street. So this settlement actually results in my getting less than someone who never had the service, and yet the lawyers get rich. Sons of !
-the BiblioNinja
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